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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 68

Bakers' Bowls, Jug, Chamber Ware, Jam Pots, Jelly Cans, Moulds, Mugs, Cups and Saucers, in Cane and New Ivory Colours, Butter and Pickle Jars, Demijohs, &c. QUALITY EQUAL TO IMPORTED GOODS. GRAHAM AND WINTER. THE POTTERIES MILTON, OTAGO. Offices AND Depot Bond Street, Dunedin. (Two Silver Medals Awarded at Christchurch A. & P. Show, 1888.) Teapots in Rockingham Ivory, Jet, and Majolica. Majolica and Enamelled Vases in great variety. Bread Plates. Cheese Stands, Flower and Fern Pots, Water Bottl…

Bakers' Bowls, Jug, Chamber Ware, Jam Pots, Jelly Cans, Moulds, Mugs, Cups and Saucers, in Cane and New Ivory Colours, Butter and Pickle Jars, Demijohs, &c. QUALITY EQUAL TO IMPORTED GOODS. GRAHAM AND WINTER. THE POTTERIES MILTON, OTAGO. Offices AND Depot Bond Street, Dunedin. (Two Silver Medals Awarded at Christchurch A. & P. Show, 1888.) Teapots in Rockingham Ivory, Jet, and Majolica. Majolica and Enamelled Vases in great variety. Bread Plates. Cheese Stands, Flower and Fern Pots, Water Bottles, &c., Terra Cotta Plaques, Filters of Superior Quality. Ask your Storekeeper for MILTON POTTERY GOODS.