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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 28

HUME, STOUT, & CO, FANCY BREAD & BISCUIT BAKERS BEG to intimate that they have COMMENCED the above Business in all its Branches, in the Premises adjoining Messrs G. HARRISON & SON'S Shop, and that they are in a position to supply all orders entrusted to them on the shortest possible notice, and on very Moderate Terms. MARRIAGE AND CHRISTMAS CAKES. PLAIN AND FANCY BREAD. BISCUITS OF EVERY QUALITY. Hume, Stout, & Co., FANCY BREAD AND BISCUIT BAKERS, LERWICK

HUME, STOUT, & CO, FANCY BREAD & BISCUIT BAKERS BEG to intimate that they have COMMENCED the above Business in all its Branches, in the Premises adjoining Messrs G. HARRISON & SON'S Shop, and that they are in a position to supply all orders entrusted to them on the shortest possible notice, and on very Moderate Terms. MARRIAGE AND CHRISTMAS CAKES. PLAIN AND FANCY BREAD. BISCUITS OF EVERY QUALITY. Hume, Stout, & Co., FANCY BREAD AND BISCUIT BAKERS, LERWICK.