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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 17

It can't be go. It must be true. Chung? m hai kom.? Si pit tsan? ke?. It can't be true. Burn it. Pit? m tak? tsan?. Shiu liu kue. Is that yours? Don't come again. Ni lik hai? ni ke? mo?? M ho tsoi loi. .—S- f, I have a pain in my foot Stay here till I come back. Ngo keuk tung. Tsoi ni chue tanf ngo fan' loi. How long have you been here? What more do you want? Ni tsoi ni chue ki kau? Ni wan? iu mat ye?? I will come back in a month. I want it done well. Ngo hue yat ko yuet tsau fan?. Ngo iu tso h…

It can't be go. It must be true. Chung? m hai kom.? Si pit tsan? ke?. It can't be true. Burn it. Pit? m tak? tsan?. Shiu liu kue. Is that yours? Don't come again. Ni lik hai? ni ke? mo?? M ho tsoi loi. .—S- f, I have a pain in my foot Stay here till I come back. Ngo keuk tung. Tsoi ni chue tanf ngo fan' loi. How long have you been here? What more do you want? Ni tsoi ni chue ki kau? Ni wan? iu mat ye?? I will come back in a month. I want it done well. Ngo hue yat ko yuet tsau fan?. Ngo iu tso ho tiki. What is this good for? How much do you want,? Ni tiki yau mat yung chue? Ni iu ki toh? I want some of each kind. Have you done with this? Ngo mooi yeung iu tik?. Ni yung yuen mi? This room is too small. Lend me one dollar. Ni kan fong tai chak. Tse? yai ko ngan tsin pi ngo. There is nothing here. This is nothing to you. Mo ye? tsoi ni chue. Ni tik sz yu ni mo kon.