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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 10

Comparison of Statistics of New Zealand, 1865, With Statistics of Victoria (Australia), 1863. Live Stock. Exports of Colonial Produce. Demesne Lands. Native Territory. Total Area. Acres under cultivation. Amount realized by Land Sales during year. Total Population exclusive of Military and Natives. Horses. Cattle. GOLD. Value. WOOL. Value. VICTORIA, 1863 55,630,000 NIL 55,680,000 507,798 £ 450,646 574,331 103,328 675,272 7, 115,943 £ 6,520,957 £ 2,049,491 NEW ZEALAND, 1865 53,000,000 20,000,000…

Comparison of Statistics of New Zealand, 1865, With Statistics of Victoria (Australia), 1863. Live Stock. Exports of Colonial Produce. Demesne Lands. Native Territory. Total Area. Acres under cultivation. Amount realized by Land Sales during year. Total Population exclusive of Military and Natives. Horses. Cattle. GOLD. Value. WOOL. Value. VICTORIA, 1863 55,630,000 NIL 55,680,000 507,798 £ 450,646 574,331 103,328 675,272 7, 115,943 £ 6,520,957 £ 2,049,491 NEW ZEALAND, 1865 53,000,000 20,000,000 73,000,000 1,070,203 506,654 171,931 49,401 249.021 4,945,473 3,000,000† 1,250,000‡ Shipping. Revenue Colonial Debt. Inwards. Outwards. VICTORIA, 1863 1739 624,061 1782 618,052 £ £ £ 3,000,000 about £ 8,828,970 £ £ 8,828,970 £ 8,828,970 £ Nil. NEW ZEALAND, 1865 1154§ 419,935 1094 394,665 943,500 Estimated in Financial Statement. 606,830 1,550,330 3,650,000 2.644,000 6,294,000 4,308,268 1,985,732†† * Acres meed.   Allowing 20 per cent increase only over export of 1863. Amount under estimated.—See Postscript. ‡ Allowing 50 per cent, increase over export of 1863. § Actual return for 1863. ∥ Actual evenue of 1862, exclusive of Government Scrip and Land-Orders, equal to £13,200. The return of land sales for 1864 is not complete, except as to Southern Island, where the land sales produced £519,940! thus: NELSON MARLBOROUGH CANTERBURY OTAGO SOUTHLAND ¶ This is the total given by the Registrar General's statistics, 1863; but the Colonial Treasurer states the amount at £6,615,500. †† Apportioned thus: General £602,623 Provincial 1,383,109 £1,935,732