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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 8

Receipts of the Grand Secretary for the Fiscal Year from September 1, 1877, to August 31, 1878

GRAND LODGES. BALANCE, SEPT. 11877. Postage and Freight Charter Odes. CARDS. Alabama $0 90 $ 4 20 $ 6 60 Arkansas 12 50 90 00 British Columbia $76 27 90 California 165 00 290 00 Chile Colorado 2 35 10 00 30 00 Connecticut 65 10 30 228 70 Dakota 2 92 3 50 32 75 Delaware 5 00 60 00 District of Columbia 150 00 05 1 25 21 95 Florida 77 48 50 9 00 30 40 Georgia 1 00 30 20 German Empire Illinois 84 90 00 700 00 Iowa 37 60 582 40 Indiana 10 37 18 500 00 Kansas 95 00 Kentucky 150 00 120 00 Louisiana 20 00 Lower Provinces, B N A 10 00 20 00 Maine 35 00 366 50 Maryland 7 50 55 00 Massachusetts 780 00 Michigan 50 00 380 00 Minnesota 2 25 14 90 120 40 Mississippi 2 50 13 70 Missouri 25 00 360 00 Montana 1 40 5 80 Nebraska 150 00 25 00 170 00 Nevada 1 10 5 00 1 40 New Hampshire 539 00 New Jersey 25 00 300 00 New York 117 00 676 00 North Carolina 10 22 40 Ohio 88 95 20 920 15 Ontario 15 00 270 00 Oregon 2 40 117 60 Pennsylvania 90 00 740 00 Rhode Island 50 7 50 130 00 South Carolina Switzerland 114 00 Tennessee 80 00 Texas 1 00 8 00 42 50 Utah 1 80 20 20 Vermont 1 75 59 80 Virginia 1 25 Washington $30 00 West Virginia 150 00 30 8 40 70 00 Wisconsin 40 00 355 00 Wyoming 213 24 2 71 3 00 23 80 $1,080 99 $24 90 $30 00 $978 78 $9,477 25

Receipts of the Grand Secretary for the Fiscal Year from September 1, 1877, to August 31, 1878