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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 44 No. 6. April 6 1981

Forget those Standby Blues Reserved Seats for coach to: This Easter Only: FLY TO: Return ($) 105.00 40.00 62.00 40.00 95.00 95.00 80.00 Dunedin Nelson Christchurch Palmerston North* Gisborne* Hamilton* Auckland Return ($)Dunedin68.00*Christchurch50.00*Palmerston North12.00Napier/Hastings20.00Taupo30.00Rotorua37.50Hamilton37.50Auckland41.00Kaitaia47.50One way fares: All equal 75% of return fare. *If numbers warrant the service. All flights ex Wellington airport 15/4/81 (Wed) evening. All flights…

Forget those Standby Blues Reserved Seats for coach to: This Easter Only: FLY TO: Return ($) 105.00 40.00 62.00 40.00 95.00 95.00 80.00 Dunedin Nelson Christchurch Palmerston North* Gisborne* Hamilton* Auckland Return ($)Dunedin68.00*Christchurch50.00*Palmerston North12.00Napier/Hastings20.00Taupo30.00Rotorua37.50Hamilton37.50Auckland41.00Kaitaia47.50One way fares: All equal 75% of return fare. *If numbers warrant the service. All flights ex Wellington airport 15/4/81 (Wed) evening. All flights return 21/4/81 (Tue) evening OR 26/4/81 (Sun) evening EXCEPT Nelson which returns 21/4/81 (Tue) only. Ground transport available all centres (on return flights only). Fares: DUD $4.00; NSN Free; CHC $0.90; PMR $1.00; GIS —; HLZ $4.30; AKL $4.30. One way fares: All equal 75% of return fare. *Fare includes return flight Blenheim to Wellington. All coaches ex Wellington Railway Station (bunny Street) 15/4/81 (Wed) evening. All coaches return 26/4/81 (Sun) afternoon. Group Discounts available on all services to parties of 10 or more. Tickets Available From: Paul, phone 849-103 Geoff, phone 759-194 Helen, VUW Union Building. Wednesday to Friday, 9.00am to 3.00pm. Tickets, all group bookings and any enquiries to: The Sales Director, Southern Charter Services Ltd, RD 2, Dunedin. OR: The Sales Director, Mirek Travel Holdings Ltd, PO Box 689, Dunedin. Service is guaranteed to run. If weather, industrial action, Acts of God hinder flights, ground transport for part or all of journey will be provided and an appropriate refund entertained. International Flight to: Nandi, Rarotonga, Apia and Tonga. Return only. Approximate fares (respectively): $260, $290, $315, $315. Ex CHG, AKL, WLG on 15/4/81 (Wed) am. Arr CHG, AKL, WLG on 26/4/81 (Sun) pm. Tickets from: Southern Charter International NZ Ltd, RD 2, Dunedin. OR The salespeople mentioned above.