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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 44 No. 1. March 2 1981

We're not far out... We're right on campus What do you want from a bank? You warn it to be convenient and close at hand. That's why the Bank of New Zealand is your bank right on campus. As well as being conveniently located we understand the money problems students have. We can help you with banking services such as cheque and savings accounts, free financial advice, the Nationwide account, travellers cheques, student loans and so on. Better still, we're ready, willing and able to talk over you…

We're not far out... We're right on campus What do you want from a bank? You warn it to be convenient and close at hand. That's why the Bank of New Zealand is your bank right on campus. As well as being conveniently located we understand the money problems students have. We can help you with banking services such as cheque and savings accounts, free financial advice, the Nationwide account, travellers cheques, student loans and so on. Better still, we're ready, willing and able to talk over your financial problems with you. You'll be surprised at what we can do to help you. Call at the BNZ on-campus office and arrange to see Jim Woolf or phone him direct at BNZ Wellington Customhouse Quays, phone 725-099. Bank of New Zealand Here when you need us - on campus