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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 18. July 30 1979

NZUSA 1980 VACANCIES Applications are now open for the following full-time positions with the New Zealand University Students' Association in 1980:— President Education and Welfare Vice-President General Vice President Each position carries a salary of approximately $6,125 gross p.a. and successful applicants are expected to live in Wellington. Applications are also open for the part-time position of Womens Rights Action Committee Co-ordinator which carries an honorarium of approximately $500 p…

NZUSA 1980 VACANCIES Applications are now open for the following full-time positions with the New Zealand University Students' Association in 1980:— President Education and Welfare Vice-President General Vice President Each position carries a salary of approximately $6,125 gross p.a. and successful applicants are expected to live in Wellington. Applications are also open for the part-time position of Womens Rights Action Committee Co-ordinator which carries an honorarium of approximately $500 p.a. Applications should include the name, address, and telephone number of the applicant, and the position applied for be sent to:— The President, NZUSA, P.O. Box. 9047, Courtenay Place, WELLINGTON. Applications close at 5 p.m. on Monday August 4. Elections will take place on August 14 at NZUSA's Council in Auckland and candidates are advised to attend. For further information contact your students' association President or the President of NZUSA at the above address.