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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 16. July 16 1979

SGM The following motions will be discussed: 1. That the Salient Editor be elected by General Ballot, and the editor of any other VUVVSA publication be elected by the SRC. 2. That provision be made for the conducting of binding referenda when a motion at SRC fails to gain two-thirds support; or when such a referendum is called for by Executive or by petition. WEDNESDAY JULY 25 UNION HALL

SGM The following motions will be discussed: 1. That the Salient Editor be elected by General Ballot, and the editor of any other VUVVSA publication be elected by the SRC. 2. That provision be made for the conducting of binding referenda when a motion at SRC fails to gain two-thirds support; or when such a referendum is called for by Executive or by petition. WEDNESDAY JULY 25 UNION HALL