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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 7. April 9 1979

Cap this if you can WANTED: Capping Conlroller for 1979 This PRESTIGOUS, WIDELY SOUGHT AFTER POSITION, is currently vacant. Applications will be recieved in the Studass Office until 4.30pm on Tuesday, 10 April. The position does carry an HONORA— RIUM ($), and can be a good FUN position - depending on the amount of work the successful applicant is prepared to put into it. Don't hesitate to come into the Studass Office and ask for more information on this esteemed position

Cap this if you can WANTED: Capping Conlroller for 1979 This PRESTIGOUS, WIDELY SOUGHT AFTER POSITION, is currently vacant. Applications will be recieved in the Studass Office until 4.30pm on Tuesday, 10 April. The position does carry an HONORA— RIUM ($), and can be a good FUN position - depending on the amount of work the successful applicant is prepared to put into it. Don't hesitate to come into the Studass Office and ask for more information on this esteemed position.