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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 4. March 19 1979

DOWNSTAGE THEATRE BOOKINGS 849 - 639 SUMMIT CONFERENCE By Robert David MacDonald A metaphor for an age Dinner 6.30 p.m. Play 8.00 p.m. Student Stand-By at 7.50 p.m. $2.00 only ID. card must be shown SATURDAY Kidss tuff in half-way up at 11 a.m. MEETINGS IN MIDDLE EARTH of trolls, goblins & elves — tall tales and true from Tolkeh for 8s - 80s. Fifty cents each or $1.50 a family

DOWNSTAGE THEATRE BOOKINGS 849 - 639 SUMMIT CONFERENCE By Robert David MacDonald A metaphor for an age Dinner 6.30 p.m. Play 8.00 p.m. Student Stand-By at 7.50 p.m. $2.00 only ID. card must be shown SATURDAY Kidss tuff in half-way up at 11 a.m. MEETINGS IN MIDDLE EARTH of trolls, goblins & elves — tall tales and true from Tolkeh for 8s - 80s. Fifty cents each or $1.50 a family