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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 19. July 31 1978

OPTIMIZING BRAIN FUNCTIONING THROUGH THE TM-SIDHI PROGRAMME ECG Brain Wave Coherence Optimizing brain functioning means creating a state of perfect functioning of the mind-body interface. This is achieved through the TM-Sidhi techniques which allow the state of transcendental consciousness and its physiological correlate, total EEG. coherence, to reach their maximum, in the midst of gnat activity such as occurs during the practice of the flying technique. When action is initiated at the level o…

OPTIMIZING BRAIN FUNCTIONING THROUGH THE TM-SIDHI PROGRAMME ECG Brain Wave Coherence Optimizing brain functioning means creating a state of perfect functioning of the mind-body interface. This is achieved through the TM-Sidhi techniques which allow the state of transcendental consciousness and its physiological correlate, total EEG. coherence, to reach their maximum, in the midst of gnat activity such as occurs during the practice of the flying technique. When action is initiated at the level of the state of least excitation of consciousness, the simplest state of awareness, then every intention of the mind meets with immediate response from the body and surroundings. MAXIMUM COHERENCE During Flying MAXIMUM COHERENCE During Flying Maximum coherence in brain waves accomplishes the specific ability. In the case of the flying ability, the body lifts up at the point of maximum coherence.