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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 10. May 15 1978

NORMAL PRICE—$40.00 UNTIL AUGUST 31 1978—$36.00 PRE-PUBLICATION OFFERTHE OXFORD BOOK OF NEW ZEALAND PLANTS L. B. Moore and J. B. Irwin In this book about plants native to New Zealand 112 plates (32 of them in full colour) illustrate the distinctive features of our indiginous plant families. All the main plant groups are represented, from the seaweeds of the coast and trees of the forest to the small herbs of the high alps. These plates combine botanical accuracy with a remarkable delicacy and c…

NORMAL PRICE—$40.00 UNTIL AUGUST 31 1978—$36.00 PRE-PUBLICATION OFFERTHE OXFORD BOOK OF NEW ZEALAND PLANTS L. B. Moore and J. B. Irwin In this book about plants native to New Zealand 112 plates (32 of them in full colour) illustrate the distinctive features of our indiginous plant families. All the main plant groups are represented, from the seaweeds of the coast and trees of the forest to the small herbs of the high alps. These plates combine botanical accuracy with a remarkable delicacy and charm: the artist, J.B. Irwin, has spent years building up sets of comparative drawings, and the scale on which New Zealand plants are illustrated here has rarely, if ever, been attempted before. The vivacity of the author's descriptions and the brilliance of the artist's drawings will together delight and instruct the reader. ORDER FROM VICTORIA BOOK CENTRE LTD VBC 15 MOUNT ST. I wish to order a copy of the THE OXFORD BOOK OF NEW ZEALAND PLANTS at the special pre-publication price of $36.00. I understand that from September 1st 1978 the price will be $40.00. I enclose $5 Name -------------------- Address -------------------