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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 8. April 17 1978

NOVEMBER 1972: The Labour Party becomes the Government promising a Standard Tertiary Bursary that would be an adequate living allowance.* NOVEMBER 1975; A National Party election advertisement promises that "All students will receive the Standard Tertiary Bursary." At each point National's proposals will be as good as, and may be better than the labour proposals These, and other, broken and late coming promises are a fair representation of the frustrations University and Technical Institute stu…

NOVEMBER 1972: The Labour Party becomes the Government promising a Standard Tertiary Bursary that would be an adequate living allowance.* NOVEMBER 1975; A National Party election advertisement promises that "All students will receive the Standard Tertiary Bursary." At each point National's proposals will be as good as, and may be better than the labour proposals These, and other, broken and late coming promises are a fair representation of the frustrations University and Technical Institute students have had to put up with for years. Both major political parties have caused these in their cynical chase for votes, in this case at the expense of students. Students are looking for a major improvement in their performance in the near future. *Standard Tertiary Bursary not introduced until February 1976. ** April 1978, and National's promises still not implemented.