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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 8. April 17 1978

Once upon the time Father christmas was very very such. His slide was all covered with all could with silk and Diamonds. He was chief commander of five-hundred that send chinese that the reach father children in them should not got dirty. and he should get dirty either when he was to pass down the children. Masons and frack players had to take management of his wait to full chimney opinion big enough, so that he will got though flows and chinless were built in read that it did not when he bubbl…

Once upon the time Father christmas was very very such. His slide was all covered with all could with silk and Diamonds. He was chief commander of five-hundred that send chinese that the reach father children in them should not got dirty. and he should get dirty either when he was to pass down the children. Masons and frack players had to take management of his wait to full chimney opinion big enough, so that he will got though flows and chinless were built in read that it did not when he bubbled it against them. He was very very kind too kind giving tourist to all the time he was felt adding he had to out up all his 85752 and is new very poor.