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Salient. Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 41 No. 5. March 27 1978

Need Money> Ask the National. If you need a loan, or simply a little financial advice, call at your nearest branch of the National Bank. We've helped hundreds of students complete their studies with a simple, flexible loan scheme" which provides assistance when you need it most. If you're working to a tight budget, open a cheque account with the National. It'll make payments easier, and give you a record of your spending — for about 15 cents a week on average. We specialise in banking for under…

Need Money> Ask the National. If you need a loan, or simply a little financial advice, call at your nearest branch of the National Bank. We've helped hundreds of students complete their studies with a simple, flexible loan scheme" which provides assistance when you need it most. If you're working to a tight budget, open a cheque account with the National. It'll make payments easier, and give you a record of your spending — for about 15 cents a week on average. We specialise in banking for undergraduates, so choose the bank that wants your business. The national Bank OF NEW ZEALAND LIMITED — YOUR FRIENDLY BANK 8235