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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 17. July 18 1977

B C A GRADUATES & COMMERCE STUDENTS We are visiting the University on Monday 1 August and would like to meet students who have reached an advanced state of their BCA course and who would like to discuss a challenging professional career. Our firm can offer practical experience in all fields of accountancy using up-to-date and sophisticated techniques and this is supplemented by extensive person development and professional training programmes. If you would like to discuss your future career pla…

B C A GRADUATES & COMMERCE STUDENTS We are visiting the University on Monday 1 August and would like to meet students who have reached an advanced state of their BCA course and who would like to discuss a challenging professional career. Our firm can offer practical experience in all fields of accountancy using up-to-date and sophisticated techniques and this is supplemented by extensive person development and professional training programmes. If you would like to discuss your future career plane with us at the University please contact: Mrs McLean Careers Advisory Board 6 Kelburn Parade Wellington Telephone: 728-150 Alternatively you can contact our Staff Partner, Mr George Verry, direct to arrange a discussion on career opportunities. Wilkinson Wilberfoss CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS HUME HOUSE, 152 THE TERRACE, PO BOX 490, WELLINGTON. Telephone: 725-840