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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University Students Association. Volume 40, Number 3. March 14, 1977.

let me help you make a little money go a whole lot further If you need a little help and advice on how to make your money go further while you're at varsity, see Richard Starke at the Wellington Branch of the BNZ Richard knows the sort of money problems you're going to be involved with as a student, and he'II be pleased to give you all the assistance and advice that's possible Apart from the BNZ services like cheque and savings accounts, free automatic savings facility, the Nationwide Account, …

let me help you make a little money go a whole lot further If you need a little help and advice on how to make your money go further while you're at varsity, see Richard Starke at the Wellington Branch of the BNZ Richard knows the sort of money problems you're going to be involved with as a student, and he'II be pleased to give you all the assistance and advice that's possible Apart from the BNZ services like cheque and savings accounts, free automatic savings facility, the Nationwide Account, travellers' cheques, and so on, there are two particular BNZ services that a lot of students have found very useful BNZ Educational Loans The great thing about these is their flexibility. You can take one out for a few days to tide you over a rough spot till the end of term or you can borrow on the long-term and plan things out over the years you're at varsity BNZ Consulting Service Free, helpful advice on practically any financial matter from people who understand money and how it works And just by the way there's another good reason for banking with the Bank of New Zealand. It's the only trading bank wholly owned by the people of New Zealand Call at the BNZ on campus office and for up a time for a chat with Richard Starke or phone him direct at the BNZ Wellington Branch. Cnr Lambton and Customhouse Quays Phone 725-099 ext. 702 BANK OF NEW ZEALAND Wholly owned by the people of New Zealand