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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 39, Number 21, September 6, 1976.

YOU SAW THE SHOW... NOW READ THE BOOK! UNITED WOMEN'S CONVENTION, 1975 - now in paperback $3.00 Passionate Pilgrimage Katherine Mansfield: alove affair in letters In an edition by Helen McNeish Published 26th August - now in stock : Helen McNeish's "Passionate Pilgramage - Katherine Mansfield 'a love affair in letters" $9.95 This book contains Mansfield's letters to John Middleton Murray from the South of France during the years 1915 - 1920 when she was "exiled" because of her poor health. It i…

YOU SAW THE SHOW... NOW READ THE BOOK! UNITED WOMEN'S CONVENTION, 1975 - now in paperback $3.00 Passionate Pilgrimage Katherine Mansfield: alove affair in letters In an edition by Helen McNeish Published 26th August - now in stock : Helen McNeish's "Passionate Pilgramage - Katherine Mansfield 'a love affair in letters" $9.95 This book contains Mansfield's letters to John Middleton Murray from the South of France during the years 1915 - 1920 when she was "exiled" because of her poor health. It is beautifully illustrated with photographs taken by Helen McNeish of Menton and the Villa Isola Bella. Helen McNeish is the wife of writer James McNeish and co-founder of the 'Bridge in New Zealand' scheme. 1976 is WINNIE THE POOH'S 50th birthday! —— To help him celebrate the Publishers are running a HUM WITH POOH COMPETITION for kids from 5 - 95 years. 1st prize is a selection of books to the value of $100, a set of Pooh Posters, a Pooh Calender for 1977, a Pooh T-shirt and a pot of New Zealand honey! We have Pooh Posters in stock now - $1.00 each. And Pooh isn't the only one celebrating a birthday. Victoria Book Centre Limited was ONE on Wednesday 1st September. VICTORIA BOOK CENTRE 15 MOUNT ST. PHONE 729-585