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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. [Volume 39, Number 19, 1976.]

Referee Bob Averitt (H.O.D.) looks on as Vince Knight (Sen. Lect. Physiol.) runs the ball around the pack composed of unknown Lloyd Davis, Dave Hannah, Dave Vurton, Unknown, Mike James, Unknown, Wayne Benton

Referee Bob Averitt (H.O.D.) looks on as Vince Knight (Sen. Lect. Physiol.) runs the ball around the pack composed of unknown Lloyd Davis, Dave Hannah, Dave Vurton, Unknown, Mike James, Unknown, Wayne Benton.

Referee Bob Averitt (H.O.D.) looks on as Vince Knight (Sen. Lect. Physiol.) runs the ball around the pack composed of unknown Lloyd Davis, Dave Hannah, Dave Vurton, Unknown, Mike James, Unknown, Wayne Benton.