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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 39, Number 18, July 26, 1976.

Frankly this has Been my FINEST year as a principal! I've got the teachers DIVIDED and STALEMATED on the question of SALARY DEMANDS! I've got the LABS, TEACHING MACHINES, GYMS, POOLS and TV BOOK UPS clicking over like one perfectly tuned machine! My speeches are quoted VERBATIM in the local PRESS! COMMUNITY LEADERS back me RIGHT down the LINE! IF I could just figure a way to get those down KIDS the bell out of here, the place would run like a DREAM!

Frankly this has Been my FINEST year as a principal! I've got the teachers DIVIDED and STALEMATED on the question of SALARY DEMANDS! I've got the LABS, TEACHING MACHINES, GYMS, POOLS and TV BOOK UPS clicking over like one perfectly tuned machine! My speeches are quoted VERBATIM in the local PRESS! COMMUNITY LEADERS back me RIGHT down the LINE! IF I could just figure a way to get those down KIDS the bell out of here, the place would run like a DREAM!