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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 39, Number 18, July 26, 1976.

MONDAY 26 JULY 12-2pm Assessment meeting to discuss Assessment Week. Board room. All Welcome 12am WILLIE MAE REID, American vice-presidential candidate, black activist and feminist speaks in the Union Hall on 'The U.S. Elections in the aftermath of Watergate". TUESDAY 27 JULY 12-1pm Campus Eucharist. Celebrant Bishop E.K. Norman of Wgtn. University Lounge, S.U.B. WEDNESDAY 28 JULY 7.30pm International Club. Don Borrie, just returned from N. Korea speaks on the present situation. Smoking Room. W…

MONDAY 26 JULY 12-2pm Assessment meeting to discuss Assessment Week. Board room. All Welcome 12am WILLIE MAE REID, American vice-presidential candidate, black activist and feminist speaks in the Union Hall on 'The U.S. Elections in the aftermath of Watergate". TUESDAY 27 JULY 12-1pm Campus Eucharist. Celebrant Bishop E.K. Norman of Wgtn. University Lounge, S.U.B. WEDNESDAY 28 JULY 7.30pm International Club. Don Borrie, just returned from N. Korea speaks on the present situation. Smoking Room. WED - FRIDAY 10am - 3.30pm An exhibition of photos shot in Cambodia just prior to the Khmer takeover which depict how ordinary people carry out their lives with a war around them. Foyer. THURSDAY 29 JULY 1.10pm A programme of Baroque music played on a Baroque violin will be presented by Peter Walls with Roy Tankersley (harpsichord). Gavin Saunders (viola) and Jan Preston (piano) will play Hindemith's Viola Sonata Op. 11 No. 4. Music Room, Hunter Building. Admission Free. SATURDAY 31 JULY 2pm Tape and discussion on the Chinese Revolution. 76 Dixon Street. FRIDAY 30 JULY - 8.30pm Socialist Forum - Debate and discussion on a wide range of political topics. 76 Dixon Street. SUNDAY 1 AUGUST 11.30pm Mt Kaukau Ramble: a walk up Mt Kaukau, bring your own lunch and refreshments, all welcome. If popular intend to form university club. Other rambles are contemplated and suggestions welcome, ph: 728363 for enquiries if weather doubtful. Assemble at Khandallah Swimming 2pm Young Socialists weekly meeting including a discussion on the pros and cons of "Terrorism!" Everybody welcome. 76 Dixon Street. Advance Notice Monday 2nd August 5.30pm Anglican Society AGM Ramsey House. Please attend!