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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 39, Number 18, July 26, 1976.

salient has shown that: We have the cheapest food. Burgers 45c - 80c Hotdogs 3oc Milk - Shakes 25 - 35c Posters 75c - $250 Toasted Sandwiches 30c Pies 30c - 40c Cakes 150, 18c Rolls 25c Kelburn Park Store

salient has shown that: We have the cheapest food. Burgers 45c - 80c Hotdogs 3oc Milk - Shakes 25 - 35c Posters 75c - $250 Toasted Sandwiches 30c Pies 30c - 40c Cakes 150, 18c Rolls 25c Kelburn Park Store