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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 39, Number 17, July 19, 1976.

accountants... We have four companies in the Hutt Valley who would like to employ somebody with your background. 1. Financial Accountant, nearly qualified. The prospects are excellent - could become Chief Accountant, or be transferred overseas. Salary up to $9,500. 2. Financial Analyst. Must have Accounting 11. Will be involved in management accounting, budget control, development of statistics, etc. All previous people in this position have been transferred overseas. 3. Accounting Trainee. Mus…

accountants... We have four companies in the Hutt Valley who would like to employ somebody with your background. 1. Financial Accountant, nearly qualified. The prospects are excellent - could become Chief Accountant, or be transferred overseas. Salary up to $9,500. 2. Financial Analyst. Must have Accounting 11. Will be involved in management accounting, budget control, development of statistics, etc. All previous people in this position have been transferred overseas. 3. Accounting Trainee. Must be studying for B. Com. Full training in accounting work will be given. 4. Nearly Qualified Accountant for Upper Hutt company. He will be expected to become Company Secretary in 2 years. Starting salary up to $7,500. MATCH PERSONNEL Phone 697-061 697-063 697-064