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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 38, Number 26. 1975

Renewal of International Student Identity Card Student Travel Bureau Limited P.O. Box 6368, Te Aro, Wellington. All current holders of the ISIC (whether the ISIC is stamped for NAC/Mt Cook Student Standby fare or not) are reminded that the validity of the card expires on 31 December this year. If you are eligible to renew the ISIC for 1976 then you are urged to do this as soon as possible by completing a renewal application at your nearest Student Travel Bureau (STB) or Student's Association of…

Renewal of International Student Identity Card Student Travel Bureau Limited P.O. Box 6368, Te Aro, Wellington. All current holders of the ISIC (whether the ISIC is stamped for NAC/Mt Cook Student Standby fare or not) are reminded that the validity of the card expires on 31 December this year. If you are eligible to renew the ISIC for 1976 then you are urged to do this as soon as possible by completing a renewal application at your nearest Student Travel Bureau (STB) or Student's Association office. Renewal instructions are printed on the form for your assistance. STB also wishes to remind all students travelling on student charter flights over the summer vacation that before your flight tickets are released to you, STB travel advisors will wish to sight a valid and renewed ISIC. Further as from 01 January 1976, NAC/Mt Cook will only accept students for the standby fare who hold an ISIC with the 1976 validation stamp affixed. Finally, STB wishes to remind all ISIC holders that any attempt to alter, in any fashion, an ISIC or use it to abuse the student standby scheme will place the ISIC holder and any other person involved at risk to lose their ISIC and face, in addition, possible legal action.