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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 38, Number 26. 1975

HEWLETT PACKARD CALCULATORS Two incomparable pocket calculators The H.P. 21 Scientific The H.P. 25 Programmable are in stock at the bookshop. You know just how amazing these machines are, so walk down and try them out. Lots of blurb etc, all designed to tell you what you suspected all along—that these calculators are indispensible. from your own VICTORIA BOOK CENTRE 15 Mount Street Tel. 729-585

HEWLETT PACKARD CALCULATORS Two incomparable pocket calculators The H.P. 21 Scientific The H.P. 25 Programmable are in stock at the bookshop. You know just how amazing these machines are, so walk down and try them out. Lots of blurb etc, all designed to tell you what you suspected all along—that these calculators are indispensible. from your own VICTORIA BOOK CENTRE 15 Mount Street Tel. 729-585