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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 38, Number 19. May 29 1975

msa malam malaysia SATURDAY AUGUST 2, V.U.W. CAFETERIA 12 noon Food fair; Exhibition of Malaysian artefacts, handicrafts and products. 6 p.m. Film and slide show - featuring 1) Malaysia in brief 2) Pearl of the Orient. 7:30 p.m. Concert - featuring: A Malay candle dance performed by the MSA dancers; A Joget demonstration by the MSA dancers; Two Chinese Dances by courtesy of the Chinese Anglican Drama Club; an Indian Dance; A Lion Dance by courtesy of the Chinese Anglican Drama Club; A Tai-Chi d…

msa malam malaysia SATURDAY AUGUST 2, V.U.W. CAFETERIA 12 noon Food fair; Exhibition of Malaysian artefacts, handicrafts and products. 6 p.m. Film and slide show - featuring 1) Malaysia in brief 2) Pearl of the Orient. 7:30 p.m. Concert - featuring: A Malay candle dance performed by the MSA dancers; A Joget demonstration by the MSA dancers; Two Chinese Dances by courtesy of the Chinese Anglican Drama Club; an Indian Dance; A Lion Dance by courtesy of the Chinese Anglican Drama Club; A Tai-Chi demonstration; a Dayak Dance; Malaysina Folk Songs. 9:30 p.m. Dancing. We extend a special welcome to New Nealanders and other overseas students.