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Salient. Victoria University Newspaper. Volume 38, Number 14. June 20, 1975

well students, I understand that you are concerned about the relevance and personal satisfaction of your education here ..... what exactly do you want? WE WANT AN OPPORTUNITY TO CONTROL OUR OWN EDUCATION—TO WORK CO-OPERATIVELY WITH OTHER STUDENTS AND TEACHERS IN THE PURSUIT OF THOSE AREAS OF LEARNING WHICH EXTENDOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORLD WE LIVE IN! That doesn't seem so impossible. We'll let you know Ratbag should be explelled... (mutter mutter) ... progressive leadership our responsiblity We'…

well students, I understand that you are concerned about the relevance and personal satisfaction of your education here ..... what exactly do you want? WE WANT AN OPPORTUNITY TO CONTROL OUR OWN EDUCATION—TO WORK CO-OPERATIVELY WITH OTHER STUDENTS AND TEACHERS IN THE PURSUIT OF THOSE AREAS OF LEARNING WHICH EXTENDOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORLD WE LIVE IN! That doesn't seem so impossible. We'll let you know Ratbag should be explelled... (mutter mutter) ... progressive leadership our responsiblity We'll meet them halfway. paint the toilets yellow and give them a ping pong room ..... no sense in taking any risks.