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Salient. Victoria University Students Newspaper. Volume 37, No 26. October 2, 1974

A picture from a Swiss satirical magazine, "La Pilule" (the pill), which was sued by the Shah for exposing his participation in Persia's opium trade. The ensuing "shahrmant process", as Monsiery Praz, the one man editor-cum-publisher of "La Pilule" called it, served him well in dispersing some information concerning drug deals involving both the Shah's sister (who arrived at Geneva airport in 1962 with suitcases full of opium) and his brother, Hamil Reza. The Shah's own opium fields, stretching…

A picture from a Swiss satirical magazine, "La Pilule" (the pill), which was sued by the Shah for exposing his participation in Persia's opium trade. The ensuing "shahrmant process", as Monsiery Praz, the one man editor-cum-publisher of "La Pilule" called it, served him well in dispersing some information concerning drug deals involving both the Shah's sister (who arrived at Geneva airport in 1962 with suitcases full of opium) and his brother, Hamil Reza. The Shah's own opium fields, stretching over 30,000 acres, produce an annual harvest of 18.300 kilo-grams of opium, 3,000 of which are sold officially for scientific utilization. And the rest? Who knows.

A picture from a Swiss satirical magazine, "La Pilule" (the pill), which was sued by the Shah for exposing his participation in Persia's opium trade. The ensuing "shahrmant process", as Monsiery Praz, the one man editor-cum-publisher of "La Pilule" called it, served him well in dispersing some information concerning drug deals involving both the Shah's sister (who arrived at Geneva airport in 1962 with suitcases full of opium) and his brother, Hamil Reza. The Shah's own opium fields, stretching over 30,000 acres, produce an annual harvest of 18.300 kilo-grams of opium, 3,000 of which are sold officially for scientific utilization. And the rest? Who knows.