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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol. 37, No. 19. July 31, 1974

Western Park Tavern 285 TineKori Road, Wellington, 1 P.O. Box 12 187 Telephone 40-418 Licencee Ron H. Horsley. Where you have the choice of three excellent bars Stein Bar Bass Bar Leopard Lounge For a pleasant evening — join your friends at the Western Park. Your Host: Ron Horsley

Western Park Tavern 285 TineKori Road, Wellington, 1 P.O. Box 12 187 Telephone 40-418 Licencee Ron H. Horsley. Where you have the choice of three excellent bars Stein Bar Bass Bar Leopard Lounge For a pleasant evening — join your friends at the Western Park. Your Host: Ron Horsley