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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 37, No 15. July 3 1974

STOLE CANOPY FROM COUNCIL A man appeared in Lower Hutt Magistrates Court yesterday charged with stealing an aluminium canopy, the property of the Hutt County Council, and failing to report whilst on probation. Michael Francis Cherri, 17, welder, pleaded guilty to both charges and admitted he had stolen the canopy while employed by the council as A workman. Mr J K Patterson SM convicted Cherri on the charge of theft and remanded him on $150 self bail to June 25 for a probation report and sentenc…

STOLE CANOPY FROM COUNCIL A man appeared in Lower Hutt Magistrates Court yesterday charged with stealing an aluminium canopy, the property of the Hutt County Council, and failing to report whilst on probation. Michael Francis Cherri, 17, welder, pleaded guilty to both charges and admitted he had stolen the canopy while employed by the council as A workman. Mr J K Patterson SM convicted Cherri on the charge of theft and remanded him on $150 self bail to June 25 for a probation report and sentence. On the second charge he was convicted and discharged.