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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol. 37 No. 3. March 20, 1974

South African policemen are shown rushing to participate in attacking the innocent and peaceful crowd; 705 rounds were shot, 30 entering from the front and 155 piercing the backs of bodies of the 69 Africans killed and 180 wounded in the Sharpeville massacre

South African policemen are shown rushing to participate in attacking the innocent and peaceful crowd; 705 rounds were shot, 30 entering from the front and 155 piercing the backs of bodies of the 69 Africans killed and 180 wounded in the Sharpeville massacre.

South African policemen are shown rushing to participate in attacking the innocent and peaceful crowd; 705 rounds were shot, 30 entering from the front and 155 piercing the backs of bodies of the 69 Africans killed and 180 wounded in the Sharpeville massacre.