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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 36, Number 24. 26th September 1973

Money... when you haven't got much of it now you handle it counts Maybe John Macfarlane of the BNZ can help you to sort it out John understands the sort of mind-splitting financial problems students face. He can explain BNZ services like cheque and savings accounts, travellers cheques and so on, as well as specific BNZ services a lot of students have found useful. 1. BNZ Education Loans Short term to tide you over or for several years. These loans are personally tailored to fit your needs. 2. B…

Money... when you haven't got much of it now you handle it counts Maybe John Macfarlane of the BNZ can help you to sort it out John understands the sort of mind-splitting financial problems students face. He can explain BNZ services like cheque and savings accounts, travellers cheques and so on, as well as specific BNZ services a lot of students have found useful. 1. BNZ Education Loans Short term to tide you over or for several years. These loans are personally tailored to fit your needs. 2. BNZ Consulting Service Free, helpful, financial advice from people who understand money and how it works. Call at the BNZ on-campus agency and fix up a time for a chat with John Macfarlane or phone him direct at BNZ Wellington Branch, Cnr Lambton and Customhouse Quays. Phone 44-070 Ex. 823. Bank of New Zealand The only trading bank wholly owned by the people of New Zealand.