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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 36, Number 21. 5th September 1973

Mobil B.C.A. STUDENTS Why not talk with Mobil Oil New Zealand Limited about a job? Find out now, rather than when you finish your degree what type of work is available. Mobil can offer young qualified or near qualified accountants positions in which they will combine their present skills with skills to be acquired from on-the-job training. They will, in addition to their usual accounting and financial work, undertake special investigations, feasibility studies and, as a member of a task force i…

Mobil B.C.A. STUDENTS Why not talk with Mobil Oil New Zealand Limited about a job? Find out now, rather than when you finish your degree what type of work is available. Mobil can offer young qualified or near qualified accountants positions in which they will combine their present skills with skills to be acquired from on-the-job training. They will, in addition to their usual accounting and financial work, undertake special investigations, feasibility studies and, as a member of a task force investigate and in stall new procedures or systems. Salaries are competitive, promotion can be rapid and the ceiling depends on you. Why not telephone Mr G.F. Birkett at 47-030 and talk about the prospects?