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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol 35 no. 19. 3rd August 1972

The Publications Board is calling applications for the following positions for next year, 1973. SALIENT: Editor Advertising manager CAPPICADE: Editor Advertising manager Distribution manager HANDBOOK: Editor ARGOT: Editor PUBLICATIONS BOARD. Treasurer. All applicants are expected to give details of; 1. Their proposed course of study next year, 2. Their year at university 3. Their experience of business management or editorial work In addition the applicants for editorships should be prepared to…

The Publications Board is calling applications for the following positions for next year, 1973. SALIENT: Editor Advertising manager CAPPICADE: Editor Advertising manager Distribution manager HANDBOOK: Editor ARGOT: Editor PUBLICATIONS BOARD. Treasurer. All applicants are expected to give details of; 1. Their proposed course of study next year, 2. Their year at university 3. Their experience of business management or editorial work In addition the applicants for editorships should be prepared to give brief statement of their editorial policies. Applications should be made in writing to THE PUBLICATIONS OFFICER by Friday September 8th, and Applicants will be interviewed at the Publications Board meeting on Wednesday Sept 13th. Pick up details of these positions from the Union office as soon as possible and apply your talents in a useful way. Peter Boshier Publications Officer.