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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol. 35. No. 13. 14 June 1972

TODAY COMMERCE GRADUATES Are you— CAREER MINDED? AMBITIOUS? And interested in a position with a national firm of Chartered Accountants— Who have— A variety of work including— AUDITING — FARM ACCOUNTING MANAGEMENT SERVICES. —You choose the sector you prefer. We cater for graduates seeking positions in either metropolitan or provincial cities or in progressive towns. BRANCHES IN HAWKE'S BAY, AUCKLAND, WELLINGTON AND CHRISTCHURCH. D. A. WATSON, National Staff Recruitment Co-ordinator, McCulloch, B…

TODAY COMMERCE GRADUATES Are you— CAREER MINDED? AMBITIOUS? And interested in a position with a national firm of Chartered Accountants— Who have— A variety of work including— AUDITING — FARM ACCOUNTING MANAGEMENT SERVICES. —You choose the sector you prefer. We cater for graduates seeking positions in either metropolitan or provincial cities or in progressive towns. BRANCHES IN HAWKE'S BAY, AUCKLAND, WELLINGTON AND CHRISTCHURCH. D. A. WATSON, National Staff Recruitment Co-ordinator, McCulloch, Butler & Spence, will be at the Careers Advisory Board TODAY. Wednesday 14 June Phone 44-447 NOW to arrange an interview.