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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume. 34, Number 16. September 8th 1971

ask Robin Wilson about degrees which could help you to the top. If you have the right subjects, there is the right opportunity for you in New Zealand's biggest enterprise. The opportunity to use your degree to help create a better society. The opportunity to advance to one of 130 jobs earning over $10,000 a year. write to: Robin Wilson Graduate Liaison Officer State Services Commission P.O. Box 8004. Wellington

ask Robin Wilson about degrees which could help you to the top. If you have the right subjects, there is the right opportunity for you in New Zealand's biggest enterprise. The opportunity to use your degree to help create a better society. The opportunity to advance to one of 130 jobs earning over $10,000 a year. write to: Robin Wilson Graduate Liaison Officer State Services Commission P.O. Box 8004. Wellington.