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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 33, No. 6 6 May 1970

F. Lovenbach CATERING LTD Telephone 70-319 ext. 86, 795-116 Evenings. If you want to really enjoy your social evening the first thing to do is to make certain you've got good catering. Levenbach catering have the professional touch of experience that makes sure everything goes smoothly. At our central venue—the Victoria University Student Union Buildings that has an air control system—there are three large, fully equipped lounges, two of which are carpeted. Choose the one that suits your party …

F. Lovenbach CATERING LTD Telephone 70-319 ext. 86, 795-116 Evenings. If you want to really enjoy your social evening the first thing to do is to make certain you've got good catering. Levenbach catering have the professional touch of experience that makes sure everything goes smoothly. At our central venue—the Victoria University Student Union Buildings that has an air control system—there are three large, fully equipped lounges, two of which are carpeted. Choose the one that suits your party size. Alternatively, choose your own venue. Either way you can be assured of first class social catering with Levenbach.