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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 30, No. 10. 1967.

High and low buildings, all interconnected and grouped around a central court, compose Francis Greenwood Peabody Terrace, Harvard University's new dormitory complex for married graduate students. A tree lined Moll, landscaped roof terraces and the central courtyard contribute to the parklike atmosphere

High and low buildings, all interconnected and grouped around a central court, compose Francis Greenwood Peabody Terrace, Harvard University's new dormitory complex for married graduate students. A tree lined Moll, landscaped roof terraces and the central courtyard contribute to the parklike atmosphere

High and low buildings, all interconnected and grouped around a central court, compose Francis Greenwood Peabody Terrace, Harvard University's new dormitory complex for married graduate students. A tree lined Moll, landscaped roof terraces and the central courtyard contribute to the parklike atmosphere