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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 28, No. 12. 1965.

Models Superimposed on a site photograph show the new campus as it appear when it opens this month. Buildings are (counter-clockwise from left) library, cafeteria, social sciences-humanities unit and natural-sciences engineering unit. Not shown are gymnasium-auditorium, cottages for single students, and bell-tower

Models Superimposed on a site photograph show the new campus as it appear when it opens this month. Buildings are (counter-clockwise from left) library, cafeteria, social sciences-humanities unit and natural-sciences engineering unit. Not shown are gymnasium-auditorium, cottages for single students, and bell-tower.

Models Superimposed on a site photograph show the new campus as it appear when it opens this month. Buildings are (counter-clockwise from left) library, cafeteria, social sciences-humanities unit and natural-sciences engineering unit. Not shown are gymnasium-auditorium, cottages for single students, and bell-tower.