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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 27, No. 15. 1964.

see.. save.. and secure.. A car perhaps, or a home of your own. A television set, a holiday, or a trip abroad. No matter what you may have in mind, your savings plan will be soundly laid with a National Bank savings account . . . Just a few shillings or pounds deposited into your account each week will help you to secure whatever you are waiting for, quicker, surer . . . Call in and see us when you're next in town. It takes only a few minutes to open a savings account at the National Bank of Ne…

see.. save.. and secure.. A car perhaps, or a home of your own. A television set, a holiday, or a trip abroad. No matter what you may have in mind, your savings plan will be soundly laid with a National Bank savings account . . . Just a few shillings or pounds deposited into your account each week will help you to secure whatever you are waiting for, quicker, surer . . . Call in and see us when you're next in town. It takes only a few minutes to open a savings account at the National Bank of New Zealand Savings Bank Limited YOUR FRIENDLY SAVINGS BANK BRANCHES EVERYWHERE