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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 26, No. 12. 1963.

WHAT TO DO - when you have a degree and want to make it work! The magnitude and scope of the Public Service offer the Graduate tremendous opportunity. This opportunity exists in every sphere from International Diplomacy to Viticulture. The importance of the work is unquestionable. Because of this the graduate is given every incentive, every facility, every security. Nowhere are qualifications more needed, more appreciated than in the Public Service. Here you can make your degree work in a way t…

WHAT TO DO - when you have a degree and want to make it work! The magnitude and scope of the Public Service offer the Graduate tremendous opportunity. This opportunity exists in every sphere from International Diplomacy to Viticulture. The importance of the work is unquestionable. Because of this the graduate is given every incentive, every facility, every security. Nowhere are qualifications more needed, more appreciated than in the Public Service. Here you can make your degree work in a way that will completely justify your training, completely satisfy your talents. you get salaries plus . . . Whether your degree qualifies you for administration, statistical work or research you will earn the salary your qualifications deserve. But this high salary figure is not all that is offered. There are plus benefits, benefits that add to that salary, such as a generous superannuation scheme, sick leave benefits, modern facilities, and research fellowships in New Zealand or even overseas. And more. These make it worthwhile for you to put your degree to work in the New Zealand Public Service. The Recruitment Officer, State Services Commission, P.O. Box 8004, Wellington. I am completing/have completed a............ degree and wish to have full details of the careers and salary scale ottered. NAME:....................... ADDRESS:............................... public service