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Salient: Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Vol. 24, No. 9. 1961

SPORTSWEAR MODELS LTD. SEE OUR WINDOWS 296 LAMBTON QY. (Next Kodak Ltd.) Telephone 43-790 SEE OUR WONDERFUL RANGE OF WINTER COATS, SKIRTS, DOUBLE-KNIT WOOL JERSEY SUITS - AND DRESSES BY 'GOR-RAY' AND ' CALIFORNIA' SPORTSWEAR MODELS LTD. SEE OUR WINDOWS 296 LAMBTON QY. (Next Kodak Ltd.) Telephone 43-790 Printed by A. B. D. Clark. Ltd., 10s Luxford Street. Wellington, for the Victoria University of Wellington Students' Association, Wellington

SPORTSWEAR MODELS LTD. SEE OUR WINDOWS 296 LAMBTON QY. (Next Kodak Ltd.) Telephone 43-790 SEE OUR WONDERFUL RANGE OF WINTER COATS, SKIRTS, DOUBLE-KNIT WOOL JERSEY SUITS - AND DRESSES BY 'GOR-RAY' AND ' CALIFORNIA' SPORTSWEAR MODELS LTD. SEE OUR WINDOWS 296 LAMBTON QY. (Next Kodak Ltd.) Telephone 43-790 Printed by A. B. D. Clark. Ltd., 10s Luxford Street. Wellington, for the Victoria University of Wellington Students' Association, Wellington.