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Salient: An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria University Wellington. Vol. 24, No. 1. 1961

WOOLWORTHS BURSARIES, £176 p.a These bursaries are offered by Woolworths (N.Z.) Limited. Each is payable at £22 each month for eight months during the academic year. SELECTION SELECTION will be mode from FULL-TIME STUDENTS who expect to be taking their final year in 1961 in any degree course. The main requirements will be a high standard goined during secondary and University education, sound qualities of leadership and a desire to follow a career with on organisation which offers outstanding o…

WOOLWORTHS BURSARIES, £176 p.a These bursaries are offered by Woolworths (N.Z.) Limited. Each is payable at £22 each month for eight months during the academic year. SELECTION SELECTION will be mode from FULL-TIME STUDENTS who expect to be taking their final year in 1961 in any degree course. The main requirements will be a high standard goined during secondary and University education, sound qualities of leadership and a desire to follow a career with on organisation which offers outstanding opportunities and rewords. NQ BONDING Students will be required to sign a simple agreement confirming the offer but NO BOND OF EMPLOYMENT is required. Part of the bursary agreement will be an undertaking by Woolworths to provide employment during vocations. These periods will be used to provide a planned initial training programme covering various aspects of the business Salaries up to per week will be paid for this vacation work. YOUR FUTURE YOUR FUTURE TRAINING FOR MANAGEMENT after graduation is interesting and remunerative. You will start at £900-£1000, and after a training period of about two years you would manage your first store on o minimum of £1100 per annum. Curing your first two years of management you could improve your salary from £1 100 to £1400 with a target of £3000 before retirement at 60. Woolworths is one of the most progressive organisations in the Southern Hemisphere, and with its constant expansion a high standard will be required of the future executive Progress is by no means limited to store management. Executives are required in many field. Application Forms are available from: a. The Registrar's Office, Victoria University, Wellington. b. Vocational Guidance Centre, Wellington. c. Woolworths (N.Z.) Limited, Head Office, 57 Dixon Street, Wellington Send your Application Personnel Manager, Woolworths (N.Z.) Limited, 57 Dixon Street, Wellington. WOOLWORTHS (N.Z.) LTD. BOX 495 W'GTN