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Salient: An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria University Wellington. Vol. 24, No. 1. 1961

Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd UNIVERSITY BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS3 CHEMISTRY ENGLISH GEOGRAPHY HISTORY ECONOMICS BOTANY PHILOSOPHY MUSIC PSYCHOLOGY GEOLOGY ACCOUNTANCY PHYSICS MATHEMATICS ZOOLOGY LANGUAGES * have the most complete ran of text books. * can supply all your stationery requirements. * give discount to students on text book purchases. save time by buying all your requirements from Whitecombs & Tombs Ltd. Lambton Quay, Wellington

Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd UNIVERSITY BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS3 CHEMISTRY ENGLISH GEOGRAPHY HISTORY ECONOMICS BOTANY PHILOSOPHY MUSIC PSYCHOLOGY GEOLOGY ACCOUNTANCY PHYSICS MATHEMATICS ZOOLOGY LANGUAGES * have the most complete ran of text books. * can supply all your stationery requirements. * give discount to students on text book purchases. save time by buying all your requirements from Whitecombs & Tombs Ltd. Lambton Quay, Wellington