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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria University College, Wellington N.Z. Vol. 21, No. 3. April 1, 1958

ORBITUARIES ARE FOR DUD SPUTNIKS "Satellite-launching-wise, it's either in an orbit or it's in an obit." a newspaperman tells us. (And we think he's dead right.) SPEAKING HIRE-WISE, HOWEVER . . . When you're priming up to hit the high spots, launching a cabaret party, attending a formal dinner, a party, or a wedding . . . . see . . . JACKSON'S HIRE SERVICES LTD. 25 PANAMA STREET PHONE 43-339 Modern drape, double-breasted Dinner Suits for all high-flying occasions. Hire charge, 30/-. Also for hi…

ORBITUARIES ARE FOR DUD SPUTNIKS "Satellite-launching-wise, it's either in an orbit or it's in an obit." a newspaperman tells us. (And we think he's dead right.) SPEAKING HIRE-WISE, HOWEVER . . . When you're priming up to hit the high spots, launching a cabaret party, attending a formal dinner, a party, or a wedding . . . . see . . . JACKSON'S HIRE SERVICES LTD. 25 PANAMA STREET PHONE 43-339 Modern drape, double-breasted Dinner Suits for all high-flying occasions. Hire charge, 30/-. Also for hire: Morning suits, Dress suits (Tails) and Lounge suits.