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Salient. The Newspaper of Victoria University College. Vol. 19, No. 8. July 1, 1955

PENGUINS AND PELICANS Check your fading lists and see how many of the titles you need are in our catalogue. We know that some you want most are just not hum you, but if they're in print they've been on order for months and there will be enough for everyone when they finally moth at. LITERATURE . . . HISTORY . . . PHILOSOPHY . . . MUSIC . . . PSYCHOLOGY . . . MATHEMATICS . . . SOCIOLOGY . . . NATURAL HISTORY . . . Whatever your subject you'll find some excellent manuals are availably here of lit…

PENGUINS AND PELICANS Check your fading lists and see how many of the titles you need are in our catalogue. We know that some you want most are just not hum you, but if they're in print they've been on order for months and there will be enough for everyone when they finally moth at. LITERATURE . . . HISTORY . . . PHILOSOPHY . . . MUSIC . . . PSYCHOLOGY . . . MATHEMATICS . . . SOCIOLOGY . . . NATURAL HISTORY . . . Whatever your subject you'll find some excellent manuals are availably here of little cost. Interesting new titles and reprints include:— AGE OF CHAUCER—Guide to English Literature Vol. 1 (Ed. Boris Ford) SHORT HISTORY OF FRENCH LITERATURE—Broreton. MINDS AND MACHINES—Sluckin; PSYCHIATRY TODAY—Stafford-Clark MAN AND THE VERTEBRATES. VOLS. 1 and 2—Rohmer. METALS IN THE SERVICE OF MAN—Street end Alexander LIFE IN SHAKESPEARE'S ENGLAND—Dover Wilson DICTIONARY OF BIOLOGY; DICTIONARY OF GEOGRAPHY PHOENIX BOOK SHOP TELEPHONE 40-239 51 WILLIS ST. WELLINGTON