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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 15, No. 12. July 3, 1952

The New Executive Takes Office—Second from right is President O'Brien pulling Wrings, while Miss Foots organises. Colin Gordon fiddles while the match-factory burns. Treasurer McCaw rooks the books under Vice-President Philips' vigilant eye. In the chair youngest member Braglehole poses patiently for another good photo, while at the knee of Women's Vice-President Tarrant. Des Dalgety hopes for the best

The New Executive Takes Office—Second from right is President O'Brien pulling Wrings, while Miss Foots organises. Colin Gordon fiddles while the match-factory burns. Treasurer McCaw rooks the books under Vice-President Philips' vigilant eye. In the chair youngest member Braglehole poses patiently for another good photo, while at the knee of Women's Vice-President Tarrant. Des Dalgety hopes for the best.

The New Executive Takes Office—Second from right is President O'Brien pulling Wrings, while Miss Foots organises. Colin Gordon fiddles while the match-factory burns. Treasurer McCaw rooks the books under Vice-President Philips' vigilant eye. In the chair youngest member Braglehole poses patiently for another good photo, while at the knee of Women's Vice-President Tarrant. Des Dalgety hopes for the best.