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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 15, No. 1. March 5, 1952

BOOKS BY Maritain—Chesterton—Barbara Ward—Graham Green—Belloc—Mauriac—R. A. Knox—Lunn—Waugh—Eric Gill—Bernanos—Coppleston— Dawson. BOOKS ON Philosophy, Theology, Religion, Social Problems, of verse, stories and essays, etc. AND INTEGRITY "A Synthesis of Life and Religion." MONTHLY 2/- CATHOLIC SUPPLIES LTD. DIXON STREET

BOOKS BY Maritain—Chesterton—Barbara Ward—Graham Green—Belloc—Mauriac—R. A. Knox—Lunn—Waugh—Eric Gill—Bernanos—Coppleston— Dawson. BOOKS ON Philosophy, Theology, Religion, Social Problems, of verse, stories and essays, etc. AND INTEGRITY "A Synthesis of Life and Religion." MONTHLY 2/- CATHOLIC SUPPLIES LTD. DIXON STREET.