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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 12, No. 10. September 20th, 1949

Alec McLeod, Editor of "Salient" throughout 1947 and the last term of 1948, leaves this country for England next week. He was Men's Vice-President of the Students' Association for two years, and served on Tramping, Socialist and Literary Club Committees. He has been part of Victoria for many years (gathering an M.A. and a B.Sc. in the course of them) and takes with him the best wishes of all the Victorians who knew him

Alec McLeod, Editor of "Salient" throughout 1947 and the last term of 1948, leaves this country for England next week. He was Men's Vice-President of the Students' Association for two years, and served on Tramping, Socialist and Literary Club Committees. He has been part of Victoria for many years (gathering an M.A. and a B.Sc. in the course of them) and takes with him the best wishes of all the Victorians who knew him.

Alec McLeod, Editor of "Salient" throughout 1947 and the last term of 1948, leaves this country for England next week. He was Men's Vice-President of the Students' Association for two years, and served on Tramping, Socialist and Literary Club Committees. He has been part of Victoria for many years (gathering an M.A. and a B.Sc. in the course of them) and takes with him the best wishes of all the Victorians who knew him.